Covid 19

Covid-19 Information for Customers

Please see the Buying and Selling pages for up to date information before you visit the Salerooms

Covid-19 Secure Saleroom Layout

Relaxing of Covid Secure Measures from 25th April 2022
The safety and wellbeing of our visitors and staff has always been a priority for us throughout the pandemic.  Now that the weather is warm enough for us to ventilate the Salerooms by opening our roller-shutter doors, vulnerable people are receiving their Spring booster jabs, and case numbers are starting to fall, we finally feel able to relax our mask wearing policy. We do however reserve the right to request that a person leave the building if they appear unwell or cannot respect the personal space of our staff and other customers. You are of course welcome to still wear a mask if this makes you feel more comfortable whilst visiting the Salerooms.

Buyers purchasing goods outside may opt to pay the Porter in cash at the fall of the hammer rather than register for a buyer’s number.  Buyers purchasing goods inside will need to register for a buyer’s number. 

Sellers will still need to book an appointment to bring goods in.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support and co-operation throughout the pandemic so far. We will review the situation on an ongoing basis, and hope our customers and visitors will continue to respect and comply with our measures to keep everybody safe.

Thank you,
Stephen & Barbara