Green : Station : Starfish

What Three Words, that’s what!

The Baldock based company What3Words Ltd. have devised an incredibly accurate way of finding and sharing exact locations anywhere in the world. They have divided the world into 3m squares and given each square a unique combination of three words. Using their website or app, you can search for and share What3Word addresses for your home or business, for example with customers and delivery drivers, or use it to direct family and friends to a meeting point. But where the system really comes into its own is in a situation such as a vehicle break-down, if you get lost in an unfamiliar area without obvious landmarks, or need help from the emergency services .
The square named GREEN : STATION : STARFISH is located outside the entrance to Watton Salerooms and Auctioneer, Stephen, says he couldn’t have wished for anything more appropriate for the business.
GREEN, the colour associated with being environmentally friendly, fits perfectly with the Salerooms’ trade in second-hand items, as re-using is even better for the environment than recycling.
Breckland Business Park, where our Salerooms are located, is built on part of the area occupied by former Royal Air Force STATION Watton. You could say we have re-purposed the site as a ‘Green Station’.
So, what about STARFISH? Well, it’s more relevant than you might think. Starfish have an amazing ability to regrow limbs that become severed or damaged. For this reason, they have come to represent salvation from hard times, healing, renewal, regeneration, and positive change. Exactly what we all need right now!
So, whilst the rainbow will forever be associated with Covid-19 and the incredible work done by the NHS and other key workers during the pandemic, the Starfish has to be the perfect symbol of post-Covid recovery.
We hope you like our appropriately re-decorated foyer, and we invite you to join us as we rekindle old friendships and regenerate our Auction Community. Welcome back, we’ve missed you!

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